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Is it possible for healthcare providers to make “having cancer” a great experience for their customers or patients? How can something as frightful, painful and emotional as chemotherapy and radiation become a meaningful, life-saving experience? If a business can deliver a superior experience to patients with cancer, there is hope for others to deliver an excellent customer experience for the goods or services they sell.

This topic is near and dear to my heart right now because I was recently diagnosed with cancer. Currently, I am undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It took a few days to get over the shock of having cancer and to come to grips with the side effects the treatment. After that I was able to get back into a positive mindset and outlook. This is just something I have to do. I can’t think about it too much or I will lose my nerve. I need to get to the other side of it.

My doctor was 45 mins late to our appointment the day he gave me the news. Of course, I had no idea he would be delivering the cancer message to me. I thought it was a follow-up visit from the outpatient surgery I had the week before. I had no idea he was late because he was scheduling an appointment for me to see an oncologist in the same building as soon as he delivered the news.

When my doctor blazed the path for me straight into the waiting room, it showed me how much he cared. Without him taking this action proactively, I would not have engaged immediately. Instead I would have put off chemo and radiation as long as possible. I would have procrastinated seeking another opinion or other options. Cancer and its remedies were too scary for me.

Next stop: upstairs to the cancer doctor in the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute. Who knew they were going to deliver an experience to me that is blog-worthy? Their current tagline in their marketing campaign is “Built to Beat Cancer”. From the beginning, they have surrounded me with caring and knowledge. As a result, I am informed, empowered, equipped fight and to have a positive outlook.

This institute is part of a new hospital campus in Cumming, GA. The staff from all areas of present themselves as friendly, caring, professional, knowledgeable. From the admissions area, to radiology, and surgical units, to the chemo infusion suit and the radiation treatment area, it is obvious that Northside Hospital and its Cancer Institute have invested a great deal into their people and the culture. They know how to hire the right people and keep them happy and fulfilled. They know how to deliver their brand promise!

The Northside Hospital Cancer Institute has gone to incredible lengths to make this journey easy for me.  They make me want to engage and come back for treatment.

A great example is the sign in the first row of parking on the campus – “Radiation Oncology Patients Only”. I have a lot to worry about, but a parking spot is not one of those concerns.

On those days where I feel bad or have inclement weather they are removing even small complaints.

Northside Hospital Cancer Institute is taking CX the next level. I am a promoter!!!

Stay tuned for more posts about my experience with them and what they are doing to:

  • Make everything as easy as possible for me
  • Make me feel like a welcomed, anticipated and valued guest
  • Make me want to engage and keep coming back for treatments


One of the best ways to build trust and strengthen relationships with customers is to make sure every interaction adds value and meets their expectations. Each interaction should be like delivering a package or gift of experience. Wrap it up like the beautiful gift that it is and then put a nice, big, bow on top.

Every time we talk to customers on the phone, interact with them through email or meet face-to-face we have a unique opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Let’s seize these opportunities to show them how much we care and appreciate them by treating the interaction as special, valuable experience where the customer is front and center and has our complete focus and attention. Read More


When used properly the Net Promoter System can a powerful engagement tool – for customers and employees alike.

Sometimes we get so focused on the Net Promoter Score that we lose sight of the opportunities to improve our products, services, relationships, culture and financials.

Mature Net Promoter Systems do more than predict loyalty, they cultivate it.

Until your system is mature, don’t focus on the score.  Instead focus on the customer-centric behaviors and actions that create engagement and loyalty.

The 10-minute video below will help you get back on track by:

  • Using the Net Promoter System to increase engagement
  • Defining targets and performance goals that improve products, services and relationships which impact the score
  • Communicating improvements to customers and employees

Do the right things and the numbers will reflect the great things you are doing.

Employees Are The Voice of Your Customers!

In observance of the worldwide CX Day on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, I want to highlight the important role and the tremendous value that employees bring to every customer experience initiative.  The insights and buy-in from the customer-facing roles are the keys to the success of all CX initiatives and CX improvements.

Employees are the foundation of all successful Customer Experience programs and strategies.

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Slide1Recently I attended an Atlanta Customer Experience event at Pirch. This was a collaborative effort between the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) and the Retail Design Institute.   Attendees were given tour of the showroom and served a delicious breakfast prepared by Pirch chefs.  Afterwards, Pirch CEO, Jeffery Sears, shared the Pirch story and the Pirch philosophy.

In case you haven’t heard of Pirch, visit their website and search Google for their mentions in the news. Pirch is a premier kitchen, bath, and outdoor appliance store selling lifestyle and joy.  Over the past 6 years they have been breaking retail tradition by providing a fresh, new, customer-oriented buying experience.  Their focus on a customer-centric company culture infused with employee passion has raised the bar for customer experience in the retail setting.  All industries should take note of their accomplishments in this regard.

Great customer experiences don’t just happen… they are designed.

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There are countless articles, blog posts, slideshares and books on Millennials telling us how to engage them, manage them, communicate with them, and relate to them. Heck, I’ve even wrote about them a year ago in my “Leveraging Millennials To Improve Customer Experience” post.

Many times when the business focuses on Millennials it creates a barrier between the generations in their workforce… and that is quite unfortunate. The way we speak and campaign internally to our employees has backfired many times. Read More